Latest Episodes
Hamanic Joy & Wrath
Studying the Megillah Part 26 The Megillah in Depth, Chapter 5, Part 5 Thrilled with the special private royal feast he just attended, Haman...
The Drinks Are On Me
Studying the Megillah Part 25 The Megillah in Depth, Chapter 5, Part 4 As the fine wine flows, the King relaxes in the exclusive...
Fire And Fury
The Talmud on the Megillah, Lesson 16 Dsf/Page 12b Having given up on his Jewish judiciary, the enraged King now taps his seven-member personal...
Esther’s Game Of Thrones
Studying the Megillah Part 24 The Megillah in Depth, Chapter 5, Part 3 Although Esther had flagrantly disobeyed and consequently infuriated him, the thin-skinned,...
Royal Disaster
The Talmud on the Megillah, Lesson 15 Daf/Page 12b Despite the very public nature of the intoxicated monarch’s request, Queen Vashti brazenly snubs her...
Royal Turnabout is Fair Pray!
Studying the Megillah Part 23 The Megillah in Depth, Chapter 5, Part 2 The terrifying faceoff climaxes as Esther prayerfully cries out to G-d...