Episode 52 March 15, 2022 01:19:28
Purim With Rabbi Kaplan

Mar 15 2022 | 01:19:28


Show Notes

Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud Masechet Megillah Daf/Page - 16b - Class # 52 Our Sages make a point of carefully analyzing the specific language employed by the scriptural narrative. That's because whether they were spoken, written, or read, the Words are telling, and they convey important details of the Megillah's Message! When a King’s belligerent tough talk miraculously shifted into softly spoken sensitivity. Why the Queen’s presentation of a letter written in hate, lead to a sacred inscription. How Words of Peace and Truth must be Transcribed and Told from a Scroll to fulfill obligations! Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

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