Haman’s Crushing Downfall

Episode 32 March 04, 2019 01:07:29
Haman’s Crushing Downfall
Purim With Rabbi Kaplan
Haman’s Crushing Downfall

Mar 04 2019 | 01:07:29


Show Notes

Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth, Part Thirty Two - Chapter 6, Part 5 "Haman’s Crushing Downfall" Narrating the Prime Minister’s carrying out the unambiguous orders he received, this verse reads straightforwardly – devoid of encoded nuance, and unadorned by copious commentary or annotation. Yet, per sacred tradition the dramatic details were recorded. Dignity demolished, Haman gut wrenchingly does the king's bidding. Falling from his high office, he’s swiftly devolved into a common bathing attendant and barber! And just as things couldn't get worse, his daughter unwittingly gave him a nasty surprise; and then committed suicide upon realizing her error!

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