Episode 47 February 23, 2022 01:47:37
Purim With Rabbi Kaplan

Feb 23 2022 | 01:47:37


Show Notes

Megillat Esther - The Megillah in Depth, Part Forty-Seven Chapter 9, Part 3 - Verses 6-10 The miraculous turnabout of events and the rise of Persia’s pious new Prime Minister, enabled the Jewish People to mount a vigorous campaign of aggressive defensive measures across the massive 127 Province Empire. The offensive was met with surprisingly stunning successful. The Megillah's narrative now zero's in on country's Capital, Shushan where some of the fiercest fighting ensued. In the end this battle also meets success culminating in the critically symbolic and iconic Hanging of Haman’s Sons on common gallows! In this episode we discover why the Fighting in the Capital City was so fraught, as we learn all about the Ground Zero of Hamanite Haters. Even in this most dangerous urban battleground, justice was swiftly meted out. In revealing the many unarticulated details about this most important theater of war the miracle the Jewish People experienced emerges in full colour and high definition! Decoding these verses does indeed enable us to better appreciate the scope and breadth of the Divine Deliverance we experienced. A fascinating mystical overview of the story are included. An unexpected Kabbalistic reading of evil's violent end can provide deeply personal lessons for life. Profound ideas that can serve to stimulate meaningful character and spiritual betterment. Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

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